Thursday, May 22, 2008

5 years

Today is our 5 year Anniversary. I love you honey!

For this LO I lifted the talented Caroline.

I finally decided to buy one. I thought I'd like the blue in person...but it was more of a baby blue. So I picked this green. Isn't she a beauty!!! (more of a statement than a question)



BRANDY said...

I love her! She needs a name!

Marsha K. said...

I am so glad you got it - love the green color! Brandy is right - you need to name her. Great job on the new LO - Happy Anniversary!!!

liz mataraza said...

awesome know you guys are very cute together in that lo, but your new wheels would go perfectly on this lo as well!

thanks for coming by my blog!

justem said...

Yay happy anniversary :) And totally cool about your Vespa!

Marsha said...

Love it!

jen geigley said...

whoa, I love it!!! (mine's old, like 1970's old, and yours is so shiny and new!)

Anonymous said...

very pretty scooter and I love the layout...gonna have to scraplift that one! have a great one.